Usage: Evenly extend proper amount onto face, gently press the skin with finger pulp to apply makeup, or use with sponge, and evenly extend it from the center to both sides of face. 用法:取适量轻点在脸上,运用指腹轻点按压上妆,或是以海绵上妆,从脸部中央往两侧轻轻推匀。
Through way type of valves face to face, end to end, center to face and center to end dimensions. 在阀体管道终端二个垂直于阀门轴线平面其间的差距。
Libeskind is the master planner behind the redevelopment of New York's World Trade Center site, which is expected to face years of delays and significant cost over-runs. 这五家事务所都曾参与世界各地的重大开发计画。丹尼尔.李伯斯金事务所是重建纽约世贸中心的幕后总策画。佛斯特与帕特纳事务所也参与了这项重建计画。
Ancient Great Wall ( abstract) oil production center in R& D, and now want to directly face the customer countries. 古长城(抽象)油画研发制作中心,现在要直接面对各国客户。
The results of calculating and experimenting show that the first and largest slap of impact between the piston and the liner occurs around the top dead center from the nonthrust to the thrust face. 经计算和实验表明:活塞在上止点附近,当活塞由非推力面快速地移向推力面时,对缸套具有较大的冲击能量。
With the rapid development of Shanghai and more and more people moving from the center of the city to suburban district, transportation become a urgent problem which the Mayor must face. 随着上海市城市建设的飞速发展,大量的居民从市中心搬迁至郊区,交通问题成了政府所面临的难题之一。
At the same time, In these one or two years in local, The education reform's center is already from originally of education construction proceeds with administrations to reform, and turn face to reformation school course. 同时国内近一二年来,教育改革的中心已由原来的在体制方面对教育结构和行政进行改革,转向了改革学校课程。
The yarn for antistatic suit is made by friction spinning method with the electric conductive fiber separately set to the yarn surface, the center and evenly distributed to the yarn cross section, and the face fabric of the protective clothes is made of this yarn. 用摩擦纺纱将导电纤维分别置于纱线的表面、中心或均匀分布在纱的横截面中纺成纱线,并织成防护服面料。
More and more multinational companies will manufacture center and procurement center in China, and China also began to face global production and operation. 越来越多的跨国公司将制造中心和采购中心转移到中国,而中国国内也开始面向全球生产和经营。
Since the accession to WTO, Liuzhou as an industrial center in Guangxi, the pillar industries including automobile, machine, and metallurgy have to face severe challenges. 随着中国入世,作为广西工业中心的柳州市在汽车、机械、冶金等支柱产业面临严峻的挑战。
With business development, Training center must face to society, face to market. 随着业务的发展,培训中心必然要走向社会,面向市场。